Wednesday, January 26, 2011

especially for the kunlun teams

Car, when activated, many people are on radio in cried "take care" "bon voyage" "we zhongshan see", a lot of people cried because we each propping together through a tough road, and we know that the road towards the future remains a long and difficult.

Kunlun team's chief mechanic CuiPengHui normally a very gracious and hale northwest man, but in our team and everyone a handshake, always SOB unutterable, and our vice-captain WeiFuHai hug, two people to tears of shua the fell off. I now special understanding between them the emotion, they are really worked with tribulation.

XiaoWei twice and old cui go together, know the kunlun kunlun team difficult, especially to the final of 800 to 1,300 kilometers, will meet the soft snow belt, heavy snow, snow high dam complex terrain. Skidoos traction with heavy material, meets the soft snow will sink in, meet with high side tumbling, snow will must be extremely careful.

Bifurcate sewing place is equipped with A wooden pointing CARDS, clearly mark from here GeLuoFuShan 120 kilometers, is apart from the ice vault and A direct kilometers.

This card is pointing in the 2005 first 22 times when the South Pole GeLuoFuShan team stand here, only four years time, pointing at CARDS still stand proudly, but its supporting canisters has almost entirely by snow long.i mutely recounting old continent happen twists.

We will turn from here to the west, enter GeLuoFuShan areas, while kunlun team will continue to the south, to the South Pole is 4,093 meters ice vault A region is imposed. Future is boundless, wishes the kunlun team brothers bon voyage, soon will triumph ~

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